In addition to buying good adhesive, there is a standard. The craftsmanship process of gluing is also important.
I want to close a beautiful job 100 full performance
Must know 3 steps from PR adhesive
How to apply hand-sprayed insulation adhesive(PR-623)
✅ Step 1: Spray the adhesiveon the metal roof sheet all over the sheet.
✅ Step 2: Spray the adhesive on the insulation sheet throughout the sheet.
✅ Step 3: Take the insulation sheet. to attach to the roof sheet by gradually rolling the insulation sheet down to the roof sheet metal
whether installed in the factory ranch it’s strong
reflect heat radiation It can actually increase the coolness!
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โปรโมชัน / ข่าวสาร : กาวพีอาร์
3 Methods to apply insulation adhesive (PR-623) on metal sheet roof to get 100% efficiency
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